Guy Fiorita

Kooks of Kold Water - by Guy Fiorita

This was shot over a few days in Montauk in March 2015.  I haven't done too much on the shoulder doc work with the Ursa and this was a great test run.  I shot everything in 3:1 raw and was pretty pleased with the way things turned out.  Shooting 4k raw isn't ideal for this type of situation but it helps being able to dump cards in 5-10 minutes.  I'm still not crazy about the massive amounts of data but it pays off when I put everything together.  The surfing was 80fps, I shot this a week before the 2.3 firmware update came out that enabled 150 fps 1080 recording. 

All the handheld stuff was shot on the sigma 18-35.  I don't think I had the camera too well balanced as some of the shots have a bit too much shake for my liking.  I like the weight of the Ursa as it provides some stability but there isn't a really solid kit out there for shoulder mounting the thing.  I have a porta brace shoulder pad and some shape handles because the official "ursa shoulder mount kit" is pretty worthless.  My setup works but its not ideal.  You want a camera this size to be extremely stable and ride on your shoulder like a cowboy on a well worn saddle.  Well I'm definitely not there yet, it sits on my shoulder like a kid in a padded church pew.  

The other thing that doesn't help the situation is using an alphatron evf on an articulating arm.  It wouldn't be so bad if I never had to move the evf but it needs to swing out of the way to access the media.  This could be fixed with a better evf mount but still, not ideal.  I would also love a handle with a record trigger - maybe an iris control.  Maybe the ursa mini handle works with this big fella?  All that being said, I've dealt with much worse.  

 I did the grade in resolve and used kodak color in the film convert plugin.  I set the film color to 30 and then boost the saturation to 30 in the camera raw tab in resolve.  I'm very much an amateur colorist and I've been experimenting with different looks since getting the Ursa.  I think I'm finally getting close to a look I like.  After looking at quite a few other grades I got sucked into the trap of preserving every tiny bit of dynamic range.  I ended up with a bunch of flat, boring washed out colors.  I thought I liked the grade for 'winter is a beach' (see below) but when I looked at it a week later, I kinda hated it.  Granted the beach was misty/hazy but the flat colors were just not pleasing to me.  In what may be an over correction, I added contrast and made my luminance curve relatively severe in  this grade.  I was going for richer/defined colors while still preserving a filmic feel.  I didn't nail it and I probably won't nail it anytime soon, I may never get it but I'm getting closer to what I like.  I would love to hire a professional colorist for every shoot but that's not going to happen.  I'll just keep reading, watching and self teaching another skill.  The more you know the farther you go or something like that . . . 

Winter is a Beach by Guy Fiorita

A few shots from a beach in Bridgehampton in March a.k.a. my ode to the long desolve. I was out there shooting another project and happened upon some great light one evening. Shot in 3:1 raw on the Blackmagic Ursa. Slomo is 80fps. Canon 70-200mm with 1/4 black pro mist. Graded in Resolve with the film convert plugin. dog: Haley music: Firehorse - if You Don't Want to Be Alone 

Pre Graded URSA Stills by Guy Fiorita

I had a request to post some pre-grade stills of the footage.  I'm an amateur when its comes to color so this will give you a much better idea of what the camera is capturing.  

This was first light on an overcast day, the picture was barely registering on the histogram.  Pretty good for 'not a low light' camera. 

This was first light on an overcast day, the picture was barely registering on the histogram.  Pretty good for 'not a low light' camera. 

This was around 5pm. I wanted to see if I could keep the highlights from clipping without losing detail in the shadows.  

This was around 5pm. I wanted to see if I could keep the highlights from clipping without losing detail in the shadows.  

One of the few shots I had with even lighting that was properly exposed.  

One of the few shots I had with even lighting that was properly exposed.  

There's more detail here than in the final grade. 

There's more detail here than in the final grade. 

Here's a download link to full res stills of the above images.

A Weekend With URSA by Guy Fiorita

I’m not a reviewer and I don’t usually (ever) do stuff like this but no one else has posted anything.  If you’re like I was before I got the URSA, you would take info you could get from any idiot out there.  Well, I’m your idiot. 

Here's the footage, just a quick color correct using Hook's Basic LUT (thanks Hook!)

I’m a director and I DP occasionally.  I bought the URSA because I wanted to have something on hand that produced a great image for a reasonable price.  I’ll rent different cameras for different jobs and will continue to do that when the job/budget calls for it.  The URSA is something I can use for some jobs and my personal stuff.  But the most important reason I bought it?  I like new toys.  

I’ve shot with both the cinema camera and the production cam, I was about to get the BMPC but thought I would wait for NAB.  When there URSA was announce I preordered it immediately.  I know some people like the freedom of rigging their cameras with this and that but I prefer the opposite - the more stuff built in, the better.  The weight factor didn’t bother me so much. I remember beta cams, the f900, the Varicam - all of them were heavy but you dealt with it.  I’m also much more stable handheld with a heavy camera on my shoulder.  I wasn’t worried about c fast cards, media is usually expensive on the first go round.  When P2 cards were introduced they weren’t cheap, same with SxS (and still aren’t).  The price will come down and until it does, wait for it . . . I’ll just rent the cards I need for a job!! Also, it pales in comparison to what people used to spend on tape and still do spend on film.  Its got same sensor as the BMPC which has some issues BUT its still damn good and its UPGRADEABLE- WHAAAAT???? On paper, this camera is a major win.  The day it was announced I clicked refresh on B&H’s site incessantly until I was able to pre-order which is probably why I got it last Wednesday! 


The packaging is cool but it smells weird, its a smell I’m unfamiliar with . . URSA smell.  That’s not really important but I would be interested to know if anyone else noticed this.  Maybe they put a little bear musk in there to enhance the experience?  

Mmmm, bear. 

Mmmm, bear. 


Getting the camera powered up was a bit more of a challenge than I anticipated.  The AC adapter worked just fine but the v mount adapter was a different story.  To access the cameras v mount connector you need a Torx (T6) screwdriver, which luckily I had.  However, behind that plate is a molex 51353-1200 connector. 

It looks like a power connector for a hard drive.  I’m sure it works well and looks very secure but unfortunately, no one makes a v mount to 12 pin molex connector.  The work around was to get a p tap to 4 pin xlr and use the plates p tap connection to power the camera via xlr. After I got up and running the IDX 88wh batteries lasted around 2 hours.  The might last a little less if you are shooting constantly but I was using the monitor for a majority of that time.  

The Molex Connector

The Molex Connector


The camera seems very well balanced.  I didn’t have it on my shoulder for very long as I don’t have a shoulder pad for it but it felt pretty good.  I love the handle and its nice that it can be removed.  I carried it around all weekend and it wasn’t a bother, especially compared to the tripod that was constantly digging into my shoulder.  The quick release mount is also a great addition and almost a necessity on a large body camera.  The adapter plate you need to get to mount the camera via QR to your tripod is a Sony VCT-U14. Its a very well designed camera.    

How I roll. 

How I roll. 


Don’t knock that monitor until you’ve tried it.  Sure it looks like an Ipad but you can see sooo much more detail than a typical field monitor.  I found myself shooting things I might have otherwise overlooked with a smaller monitor or EVF.  If you want to get the most out of 4k you really need a monitor like this.  I think after using the Ursa, people are going to have a hard time going back to a smaller monitor - I know I will.  Focusing on that thing is a dream.  I don’t know if its because the peaking has improved on new firmware or its just the extra pixels in the monitor (probably a combination of both) but wow.  I have severe soft focus anxiety and it was alleviated by the monitor and peaking combo.  I didn’t use a follow focus and I’ve never had an easier time pulling focus.  It is a bit reflective but was never a problem, even in full sun.   I’ll probably get an anti-glare Ipad skin for it or something to protect it.  One downside, prepare to have lots of people lurking behind you trying to see what you’re shooting.  

Doesn't look so big now does it? 

Doesn't look so big now does it? 


I used a combination of the histogram and zebras which worked really well.  Its nice to have the histogram on the second monitor.  That big monitor is just for composing images, it feels so luxurious.  We already know that sensor is not the best in low light but I think it did ok.  I definitely tried to see what I could get away with for future reference.  Some of the stuff I was worried about actually looked alright.   Its not perfect but no camera is and eventually there will be a new sensor.  I didn’t go above 400 ASA and I recommend you don’t, I’m just going to pretend 800 doesn’t exist.  


I used the sandisk 120 gig cards.  You get about 9 minutes of 60fps 4k Prores HQ per card and I didn’t have any issues.  When I was at the skate park I rolled an entire card without stopping and had no problems.  It also spanned the cards without missing a frame. I switched from raw to prores and back again on the same card and it created no issues.  One benefit of c fast is you can dump the 120 gig card in 4 minutes if you are using an SSD.  I would fill up the cards and go back to my car, dump them in a few minutes and go right back to shooting. 

This is what I was hauling around all weekend.  

This is what I was hauling around all weekend.  

I love what I’ve seen so far and I can’t wait to use it on a project.  The camera is like a really fancy hotel room.  Lots of room to spread out, double vanity, separate room for the toilet and shower so when one person is showering the other can . . . you get the idea.